Gyakran ismételt kérdések: most válaszolunk, angolul!
1. When are devices with high airflow volume needed, and when with high vacuum?
If your application involves suspended dusts, you need devices in the medium pressure range, such as dust extractors. Medium range means that a large volume of air must be moved through a large-diameter intake connection piece with a small amount of force. Therefore medium pressure devices have a weaker vacuum.
If your application involves dusts that don’t move (such as those that lie on the shop floor), you need devices in the high vacuum range, such as industrial vacuum cleaners. High vacuum means that a small volume of air must be moved through a small-diameter intake connection piece with great deal of force. This is why high vacuum devices have a strong vacuum.
2. What types of dust can be extracted?
Almost any dust or smoke produced by an industrial production process can be effectively extracted. When choosing the right filter, various criteria must be considered. However, the crucial ones are the medium to be extracted and its properties. For many materials there are special regulations to consider when choosing the right extraction solution. You can find an overview of the various dust types here. Also read points 3 to 5 below.
3. What guidelines apply to sawdusts?
Because sawdusts can enter the lungs, special regulations apply to them. For devices with wood test certificate H3, 100% of air can be recirculated.
4. What guidelines apply to aluminium dusts?
BGR 109 applies to grinding, brushing and polishing aluminium. It prescribes that extraction must be done by wet separation and that the devices must be tested by a certified body. Our NA-K models, series B and VA, have DEKRA prototype test certification, which means that they have already been tested by a certified body at production. This means that annual inspections by a qualified body are no longer needed.
5. What do IFA W2 and W3 mean for extracting welding fumes?
Special guidelines apply to welding stainless steel, because stainless steel welding fumes are carcinogenic. Depending on how high the chromium/nickel content of the stainless steel is, devices with an IFA W2 or W3 test certificate are needed if air is recirculated. CrNi content between 5% and 30% requires a device with an IFA W2 test certificate. When CrNi content is above 30%, a W3 test certificate is needed. No test certificate is required for welding ordinary steel.
6. Which filter media are used in ESTA welding fume filters?
Not only in welding fume filters, but in nearly all devices, ESTA uses cleanable permanent filter cartridges. This eliminates expensive disposable filter replacement. Moreover, permanent filter cartridges last longer.
7. What is the difference between dust class M and dust class H?
Dust class M:
This dust class is required for dry, toxic, non-combustible dusts with an occupational exposure limit (AGW) greater than or equal to 0.1 mg/m³. Devices with class M dust filters have filtration efficiency of 99.9%, and therefore a maximum transmission rate of 0.1%.
Examples: Ordinary steel dusts, textile dusts, sandstone dusts
Dust class H:
This dust class is required for toxic dusts that are carcinogenic or mutagenic. Devices with class H dust filters have filtration efficiency of 99.995%, and therefore a maximum transmission rate of 0.005%.
Examples: Stainless steel dusts, nickel dusts, cobalt dusts
8. What does ATEX mean?
ATEX comes from the French term for “EXplosive ATmosphere”. ATEX indicates the European Union’s ATEX guidelines. ATEX currently consists of two guidelines on explosion prevention. They are the ATEX production guideline (94/9/EC) and the ATEX operational guideline (1999/92/EC). These guidelines apply to devices and protection systems used in explosion-prone areas. Here you can find more information on ESTA’s ATEX program.
9. When is the dust/air mixture explosive? When is an ATEX-equipped device needed?
A dust/air mixture can explode if the following components meet in or around the device:
- Dust (a specific concentration is necessary)
- Air (oxygen)
- An ignition source (the minimum ignition energy must be exceeded)
With combustible dusts, protective measures must be taken. The customer must check to see if such a zone exists. Based on this, ESTA can offer the right device. Here you can find more information on ESTA’s ATEX program.
10. How long do filters last?
Filter life mainly depends on the material used and the medium to be extracted. No generalization can be made. The filters in ESTA extraction devices usually have an integrated cleaning system and, with regular use, last an average of three years — depending on the type of dust involved.
11. How can you tell if the filter needs changing?
If suction performance rapidly decreases despite cleaning, it may be time for a filter change. ESTA uses washable filter cartridges, so accumulated dust can be washed out of them. For metallic dusts, ESTA offers ultrasound filter cleaning. This special process restores filters to nearly original condition. If the filter can no longer be restored or washed, it must be replaced. For this, use only original ESTA filters.